Moroni 6 – Moroni 6

1 And now I speak concerning baptism. Behold, elders, priests, and teachers were baptized; and they were not baptized save they brought forth fruit meet that they were worthy of it.

1  Y ahora hablo concerniente al bautismo. He aquí, eran bautizados élderes, presbíteros y maestros; y no eran bautizados a menos que dieran frutos apropiados para manifestar que eran dignos de ello.

2 Neither did they receive any unto baptism save they came forth with a broken heart and a contrite spirit, and witnessed unto the church that they truly repented of all their sins.

2 Ni tampoco recibían a nadie para el bautismo, a menos que viniese con un corazón quebrantado y un espíritu contrito, y testificase a la iglesia que verdaderamente se había arrepentido de todos sus pecados.

3 And none were received unto baptism save they took upon them the name of Christ, having a determination to serve him to the end.

3  Y a nadie recibían para el bautismo, a menos que tomara sobre sí el nombre de Cristo, teniendo la determinación de servirle hasta el fin.

4 And after they had been received unto baptism, and were wrought upon and cleansed by the power of the Holy Ghost, they were numbered among the people of the church of Christ; and their names were taken, that they might be remembered and nourished by the good word of God, to keep them in the right way, to keep them continually watchful unto prayer, relying alone upon the merits of Christ, who was the author and the finisher of their faith.

4  Y después que habían sido recibidos por el bautismo, y el poder del Espíritu Santo había obrado en ellos y los había purificado, eran contados entre los del pueblo de la iglesia de Cristo; y se inscribían sus nombres, a fin de que se hiciese memoria de ellos y fuesen nutridos por la buena palabra de Dios, para guardarlos en el camino recto, para conservarlos continuamente atentos a orar, confiando solamente en los méritos de Cristo, que era el autor y perfeccionador de su fe.

5 And the church did meet together oft, to fast and to pray, and to speak one with another concerning the welfare of their souls.

5  Y la iglesia se reunía a menudo para ayunar y orar, y para hablar unos con otros concerniente al bienestar de sus almas.

6 And they did meet together oft to partake of bread and wine, in remembrance of the Lord Jesus.

6  Y se reunían con frecuencia para participar del pan y vino, en memoria del Señor Jesús.

7 And they were strict to observe that there should be no iniquity among them; and whoso was found to commit iniquity, and three witnesses of the church did condemn them before the elders, and if they repented not, and confessed not, their names were blotted out, and they were not numbered among the people of Christ.

7  Y se esforzaban estrictamente por que no hubiese iniquidad entre ellos; y a quienes hallaban que habían cometido iniquidad, y eran condenados ante los élderes por tres testigos de la iglesia, y si no se arrepentían ni confesaban, sus nombres eran borrados, y no eran contados entre el pueblo de Cristo.

8 But as oft as they repented and sought forgiveness, with real intent, they were forgiven.

8  Mas cuantas veces se arrepentían y pedían perdón, con verdadera intención, se les perdonaba.

9 And their meetings were conducted by the church after the manner of the workings of the Spirit, and by the power of the Holy Ghost; for as the power of the Holy Ghost led them whether to preach, or to exhort, or to pray, or to supplicate, or to sing, even so it was done.

9  Y los de la iglesia dirigían sus reuniones de acuerdo con las manifestaciones del Espíritu, y por el poder del Espíritu Santo; porque conforme los guiaba el poder del Espíritu Santo, bien fuese predicar, o exhortar, orar, suplicar o cantar, así se hacía.